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Mostly sunny skies. High 79F. Winds light and variable..
Partly cloudy skies. Low 53F. Winds light and variable.
Pheeber McGee’s PhotographRaven Gnau has been manager of Pheeber McGee’s ice cream shop for five summers.
Pheeber McGee’s PhotographRaven Gnau has been manager of Pheeber McGee’s ice cream shop for five summers.
SPRINGWATER – Pheeber McGee’s ice cream shop is sporting a fresh look since reopening this summer.
“Our presentation has improved, we’ve added things to the menu, we even painted the tables,” said Teresa Gnau, co-owner of the shop. They also added more lights and got an ice cream cone sign set by the road.
Pheeber McGee’s on South Main Street next to the South End Diner will be open until the Sunday before Labor Day. Hours are 4 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays.
Lawrence and Teresa Gnau opened the ice cream shop in 2017 as a business but also to introduce their grandchild, Raven, to the world of work. Raven has been the manager of the shop for four summers, since age 12, and this will be the fifth year running it.
“We started this as an endeavor to increase Raven’s knowledge and get prepared for their first true job,” said Teresa. The Gnaus wanted to stress the “importance of presentation, talking to people, and quality.”
With help from their grandparents, Raven hopes to use the profits to raise money for their college fund, one soft serve at a time.
To catch your attention, they have an arm waving tube man named Flopps next to the bright purple and yellow building. The inside is mainly pink and they have weekly flavors that change about as much as Raven’s hair.