By Stephen M. Lepore For Dailymail.Com
Published: 19:27 EDT, 21 May 2022 | Updated: 19:45 EDT, 21 May 2022
A Kansas police department delved into current events when a woman was caught defecating on beauty store products.
Police in Wichita released photos of a woman who they believed destroyed eight different wigs through her actions at the store on May 10.
Authorities say the woman defecated 'in the middle of the aisle' at Mid-K Beauty Supply where the wigs were located.
The Wichita Police Department said that the woman entered a beauty supply store on May 10 and defecated 'in the middle of the aisle.'
Police say that the defecation was 'significant enough that 8 wigs were destroyed as a result,' adding that the owner wants to identify the 'poopetrator' in order to pursue criminal charges.
Police in Wichita released photos of a woman who they believed destroyed eight different wigs through her actions at a beauty store on May 10
Authorities say the woman defecated 'in the middle of the aisle' at Mid-K Beauty Supply where the wigs were located
The incident was caught on the beauty store's surveillance camera.
In the comments section of the department's Facebook post on the case, they also joked: 'We've already confirmed that this is NOT Amber Heard so please stop calling and emailing that info!'
It was open mic hour in the Facebook comments, as the police department also cracked: 'This might be one of those cases that sticks with us.'
The police were referencing the testimony of Johnny Depp's chauffeur and security guard, Starling Jenkins III, who in court on April 28 said that Depp's ex Heard had left 'a surprise' in her and Depp's bed after a fight in 2016.
Jenkins testified that while he was driving Heard to the Coachella festival California, Heard told him that the defecation was a 'horrible practical joke gone wrong.'
Police were referencing the testimony of Johnny Depp's chauffeur and security guard, Starling Jenkins III, who in court on April 28 said that Depp's ex Heard had left 'a surprise' in her and Depp's bed after a fight in 2016
Jenkins testified that while he was driving Heard to the Coachella festival California, Heard told him that the defecation was a 'horrible practical joke gone wrong'
The photo of Depp and Heard's soiled bed. Heard blamed the incident on Depp's dogs at the time
Depp testified that he was shown photos of the bed, and said that all he could do was laugh at Heard's 'bizarre' behavior.
'He showed me a photograph on his telephone of, it was a photograph of our bed, and on my side of the bed, was human fecal matter,' Depp said, 'It was so bizarre and so grotesque that I could only laugh.'
News of the defecation first arose in 2018, when The Mirror reported that Heard allegedly soiled the bed as a malicious prank after Depp arrived two-hours late for her 30th birthday party in April 2016
Sources claimed the warring couple’s housekeeper discovered excrement on the sheets after Depp stormed out of their Los Angeles penthouse following a heated row.
Heard has previously blamed the defecation incident on Depp's teacup Yorkshire terriers, Boo and Pistol.
The defamation trial between Depp and Heard is currently on a one-week break, and is due to resume again in Virginia tomorrow.
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