After singer and host of the 2012 Teen Choice Awards, Demi Lovato, walked the red carpet with super long hair extensions, hair extension retailer, Elite Virgin Hair announced a new offer on virgin Brazilian hair extensions. The hostess used the extensions to conceal recently dyed ombre style teal hair, which she debuted later on during her hosting gig. The look garnered a great deal of attention for the singer as she walked down the red carpet sporting the extensions in a long and sleek pony tail.
Inspired by the positive attention garnered from the look, hair extension company Elite Virgin Hair is announcing a new offer on their Brazilian hair extensions for those who want to mimic Lovato’s red carpet look. The company is offering promotional deals on their Brazilian virgin hair extensions, one of the most durable and popular types of hair extensions on the market today. The company hopes that the many women who have seen the effect that natural looking hair extensions, like Lovato’s can have on a style, will be encouraged to try their own hair extensions and will make sure they are getting quality extensions with this hair.
The company is promoting the Brazilian virgin hair extension offer in honor of Demi Lovato’s look as this particular type of hair extension was created for easy styling and updos, much like the style that Lovato created on the red carpet. By promoting this style of hair extension with the Demi Lovato inspired offer, the company hopes that women will make a smart decision and go with an extension style that can be safely curled, straightened styled and put in an updo.
Those who want to get instant access to the new Brazilian hair extension offer or who want to learn more about the different benefits of getting these all natural hair extensions can visit the official site of the review at
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