By Nick Valdez - June 12, 2022 11:48 pm EDT
One Piece: Red will be bringing Red-Haired Shanks into the mix of its mysterious new story, and the newest promo has given fans the first look at the present day looks for the rest of the Red Hair Pirates crew! One Piece will be releasing its next major feature film across Japan later this Summer, and with it will be bringing in Shanks back to Luffy's story for the first time in quite a while. This is further teasing that we'll not only get an update on Shanks' current whereabouts, but on his current crew as well.
Much like how the film had previously revealed a look at the new character designs original series creator Eiichiro Oda crafted for One Piece: Red, the newest promo for the film released on its official Twitter account gives fans a look at the present day designs for each of the Red Hair Pirates coming to the film alongside Shanks. The cast for this important crew has been set as well, and given their likely important for the franchise moving forward it's important that all of this has been set now. Check out the latest promo for One Piece: Red below:
═══════════ 🏴☠️#赤髪海賊団🏴☠️ ショート動画& ボイスキャスト 解禁!! ═══════════ 【赤髪海賊団】がFILM REDで集結! 新たにキャスト情報も解禁‼️ まだまだ謎の多い彼らの スクリーンでの活躍にご期待ください!#OP_FILMRED#ONEPIECE
One Piece Film: Red has also confirmed that the voice cast behind Red-Haired Shanks' crew from the anime will be returning for the new movie too with the likes of Shuichi Ikeda as Shanks, Aruno Tahara as Ben Beckman, Jin Domon as Lucky Roux, Michitaka Kobayashi as Yassop, and Shiro Saito as Rockstar all set to return. New additions to the cast for the rest of the crew include Kenichi Ono as Lime Juice, Kotaro Nakamura as Bonk Punch, Bin Shimada as Monster, Issei Futamata as Building Snake, Hikaru Midorikawa as Hongou, and Jouji Nakata as Howling Gabu.
Directed by Code Geass franchise director Goro Taniguchi, written by One Piece: Gold writer Tsutomu Kuroiwa, and with original series creator Eiichiro Oda as creative producer, One Piece Film: Red officially releases in theaters across Japan on August 6th but has yet to set a date for its international releases as of this writing. It's highly likely territories outside of the country will get to see the new movie later this year (or even early 2023) given the franchise's popularity, however.
What do you think? How do you feel about the Red Hair pirate crew making their full appearance in the new One Piece movie? What role do you think they will end up playing in the film? What are you hoping to see go down? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!
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